Omsky kauchuk

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14 August 2019

Alkylator for cumene production delivered to Omsk

This is the largest piece of equipment at renewed cumene production facility of «Omsky kauchuk» plant.

The alkylator was manufactured in Penza region and is a 22 meters long machine weighing 64 tons. The equipment was delivered to the destination by means of trailer train consisting of a haul truck and three platforms: central special platform intended for heavy-weight cargo and two side platforms. Road to Penza took 8 days.

Two hoisting cranes with load-lifting capacity 110 and 80 tons were used simultaneously for unloading of large-size machinery at the site of «Omsky kauchuk» plant where state-of-the-art and more cost-efficient cumene production technology is being implemented at the moment.

Alexander Gross, head of the reconstruction project explained that the main chemical process occurs in the alkylator: «Two raw components — propylene and gasoline under alkylation reaction in the presence of zeolite catalyst. The process runs on stationary bed of zeolite — this is the safest and the most efficient arrangement as compared to the existing one».

As a result of the reaction cumene and small quantity of side substances are formed which turn into the target product at the next stage in a transalkylation reactor. The new process will enable not only to increase the volume of manufactured products but also to minimize impact on the environment due to reduced quantity of recycles and elimination of process discharge.

Supplies of equipment for modernization of cumene production facilities started in April 2019. According to supply schedule transalkylator, batches of heat exchange equipment, tanks and vessels, custom-manufactured mostly by Russian enterprises have already been delivered to the site.

For reference:

It is worth reminding that project of cumene production facility reconstruction at «Omsk kauchuk» plant provides for boosting up of production by a third to 160,000 tons per annum and significant reduction of impact on the environment due to implementation of state-of-the-art technology.


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